Goodbye 2005 ...

... you weren't that bad actually, but also not that good. I tend to mix up dates anyway so it would be very unsafe to make a list of what I've done this year. But at least for a few things I'm sure they happened 2005:
I broke with my apprenticeship as language correspondent, had a few weeks off then (or months even), then started something like a "getting a job finally" course (and I'm still stuck in that), started working at a beergarden for increasing my pocket money, i dropped walking the old lady's fat dog finally after 4 years, I remember last new years eve I spent with my parents and had a very cool and funny webcam session (I'd like to do the same for today but I'm forced to go to a "party"). What else? I got kicked out from home, fell in love once, met 2 amazing people, broke up (not in that order), established the relationship to my parents and my sister, I got my driver licence, ahm... I'm leaving out the very negative stuff. For once.
This year's resolutions:
Find a job I like
Beeing more positive
Smoke less
Drink less coffee
Stop making lists
If i'd do a top five of several things, it would be like this:
Top 5 Albums (disregarding date of release)
1. Woodface - Good Morning Hope
2. Tegan & Sara - This Business Of Art (still need to check out the other ones)
3. Damian Rice - O
4. K's Choice - Almost Happy (will always be in the top 5)
5. Ani Difranco - Little Plastic Castle
Top 5 Books
1. Dan Brown - The DaVinci Code
2. Dan Brown - Angels & Demons
3. Nick Hornby - About A Boy
4. Terry Pratchett - Time Thief
5. Joscha Sauer - Nicht Lustig 3 / Nichweihnachten
I don't know what else to chart honestly, I didnt see any movies that really impressed me... ow wait:
Top 5 TV series
1. Scrubs
2. Crossing Jordan
3. Desperate Houswives
4. Six Feet Under
5. Gilmore Girls (In fact I hate it but somehow it's always on when I'm bored)
Now I really run out of ideas... Maybe next year
So anyway, gotta get dressed for dinner, wish you all a good start for 2006,
"I remember last new years eve I [...] had a very cool and funny webcam session"
That's still my favourite new year's eve celebration EVER! :]
Hope you had fun entering 2006 and wish you all the best to you for this upcoming year. :)
btw, the links on the right are messed up. the one labeled "the almighty oracle" doesnt lead anywhere and is configured with parts of miss piccadilly's blog for some reason ;)
Thx for telling, i guess i fixed it... ;)
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