Get me out
I'm currently stucked in school (but obviously, in front of a computer). I'm thinkin bout pretending to have an appointment but I'm not too sure about that.
Yesterday has been my uncle's birthday, was alright, I left after 1 hour anyway (a. was so kind to pick me up and then we had a coffee at my place).
Before gettin ready for the birthday, I started drawing a comic. I might post some bad quality photos here later on when I'm back home and have time. It's still a shitload of work, it's badly drawn and prolly not even funny, but I love it. Working title: "Swedish Myths", 2 pages, inked and I'm not sure yet about the mass of color.
I'm bored here, somebody entertain me please..!
==== E d i t ====
I'm still here. And what is worse: I had no coffee until now. And I wont get any before I get outta here I guess, means 15:15h. I wonder if I'll survive.
Just been told that the graphic agency I applied for offers me a practical course. It's the same agency I once asked for test working, and they said no. What's the point? I've been waiting for a reply 2 months, hell!
I need to go shoppin urgently and get some christmas presents lol.
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Random Info:
For those who dont know, "monday" means sitting in front of the computer from 08:45h to 15:15h and surfing the net. Some may think thats cool, but after a few hours you just dont have anything to visit or check anymore. And its not that people are online around this time. Or updating their blog or journal. Besides the ones who have the same "mondays" as me.
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[... now the "teacher" starts explaining mathematics but nobody's paying attention anyway. But it's kinda disturbing me while blogging.. Where's my Mp3 player..?!]
I'm trying to pass time right now, so dont wonder.
Tomorrow I'm gonna do a business trip with B., usually only employees are allowed to join her, so she printed me cards saying something like "Catering facility assistant" lol. Luckily I'm gonna be away the whole day then. "Luckily" simply coz I turn 20 tomorrow and I'm not in the mood for celebrating, I dont even want presents. At least nothing I want can be payed with money anyway. I know what I'll get from my sister and her boyfriend though: a visit at the piercing studio and a bit of pain lol.
== Edit #2 ==

Those weird things on the wall are called "Flutschies" if I remember well.
See the blue one?
Where it has its left foot is my office.
Everytime I'm there (but I'm rarely at the office on busy days) and look out of the window, I see a massive big blue toe.
== Edit #3 ==
I just tried to make a coffee in the kitchen but it tasted like shit (and even looked like shit). I still have 30 mins to go, I guess I'll head to the coffee shop to get what I need and then prolly H&M, need something more business-like to wear for tomorrow.
Yesterday has been my uncle's birthday, was alright, I left after 1 hour anyway (a. was so kind to pick me up and then we had a coffee at my place).
Before gettin ready for the birthday, I started drawing a comic. I might post some bad quality photos here later on when I'm back home and have time. It's still a shitload of work, it's badly drawn and prolly not even funny, but I love it. Working title: "Swedish Myths", 2 pages, inked and I'm not sure yet about the mass of color.
I'm bored here, somebody entertain me please..!
==== E d i t ====
I'm still here. And what is worse: I had no coffee until now. And I wont get any before I get outta here I guess, means 15:15h. I wonder if I'll survive.
Just been told that the graphic agency I applied for offers me a practical course. It's the same agency I once asked for test working, and they said no. What's the point? I've been waiting for a reply 2 months, hell!
I need to go shoppin urgently and get some christmas presents lol.
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Random Info:
For those who dont know, "monday" means sitting in front of the computer from 08:45h to 15:15h and surfing the net. Some may think thats cool, but after a few hours you just dont have anything to visit or check anymore. And its not that people are online around this time. Or updating their blog or journal. Besides the ones who have the same "mondays" as me.
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[... now the "teacher" starts explaining mathematics but nobody's paying attention anyway. But it's kinda disturbing me while blogging.. Where's my Mp3 player..?!]
I'm trying to pass time right now, so dont wonder.
Tomorrow I'm gonna do a business trip with B., usually only employees are allowed to join her, so she printed me cards saying something like "Catering facility assistant" lol. Luckily I'm gonna be away the whole day then. "Luckily" simply coz I turn 20 tomorrow and I'm not in the mood for celebrating, I dont even want presents. At least nothing I want can be payed with money anyway. I know what I'll get from my sister and her boyfriend though: a visit at the piercing studio and a bit of pain lol.
== Edit #2 ==

Those weird things on the wall are called "Flutschies" if I remember well.
See the blue one?
Where it has its left foot is my office.
Everytime I'm there (but I'm rarely at the office on busy days) and look out of the window, I see a massive big blue toe.
== Edit #3 ==
I just tried to make a coffee in the kitchen but it tasted like shit (and even looked like shit). I still have 30 mins to go, I guess I'll head to the coffee shop to get what I need and then prolly H&M, need something more business-like to wear for tomorrow.
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