Me & Macintosh

Actually I really like my practical course now. On wednesday they put me into the graphic area. I was given the software and the user guide. "Did you ever work with Adobe Photoshop?" "Uhm not that much". "Did you ever work with Mac?" "Nopes." Well, I had a lot of time to crawl through the users guide (which has btw 388 pages), and I think now I can finally say I know about the basics of photoshop. Big advantage when you wanna do something with graphic design.
Stuff I did:
This one is from the tutorial, you have to insert the sky and cut off the rest to make it look "real"
And this one was the cup from the first picture, copied and filtered. I really needed a coffee when I did that...
Here you can see how it looks like when I'm having a coffee at work. The kitchen is always that dirty but today I managed for the very first time to find a clean mug. And yes, thats a knife in my coffee. Couldnt find a clean spoon...
Pics from yesterday night, I was walking through the city centre.
[City Church, gothic I'd say.. actually I'm sure.]
Anything else? I'm addicted to Tegan and Sara lately, my ass hurts from sitting all the time at work and we got a new coffee maker which makes the brown soup taste better than before. Hmmm I think I'll get another one right now, its weekend right? Ow yes, today I worked with Adobe Illustrator for the first time. It might be useful for newspapers and magazines but I dont feel its very useful to graphics. Whatever, I cant tell, I'm not an expert for that ;)
Otherwise, the questions I'm asked the most for the past few days strangerwise is "do you have a boyfriend"...
I never understood photoshop lol
Oh btw was ze Ag
Me neither, now I do. What I cant deal with is Illustrator lol
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