Nobody won, *******!

Anyway, happy easter to all of you.
I had breakfast with my sister, then sitting in the sun with the funny part of my family, then a nice country concert til it got too cold for shirts, what more can I ask for? Aaah, I got socks with orange flavour (not kidding)!!
And for the moment, I'm just happy to be back home, having a coffee and some cigarettes and wearing a warm hoodie. Plans for tonight: watching tv (if there should be anything of interest) and staring at my new guitar (maybe even play one or two chords) >click<
I got a cold since thursday coz around 23:00h I walked through the whole town just to see somebody, walking back again to another village and back again just to find out that bars are not open at 1 o'clock.
At least gas stations do. I bet the dogs both slept very well because I came home at 03:45h (and I couldnt feel my legs that night), completely broke coz nice as I am I spent my last money paying her cab (the money wasn't enought to take me home).
Again Joh, happy belated birthday!!
Again Joh, happy belated birthday!!

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