
I havent talked to my dad for more than 2 weeks now. Just one sentence, 3 days ago (He: "Do you eat that?" Me: "Nah"). And I dont care much about it. The onlything that sucks is that I dont wanna ask him "can I use the notebook" or something like that. But today he obvioiusly forgot to hide it / cut the connection. Or he's just tired of ignoring.
For once there's something new in my life, and even a positive thing. I got a job finally. I was told about that on tuesday already but I had no safety until yesterday when I talked to the manager. Well, I'm not employed yet, I'm still doing a practical course and its possible that it will stay like that until september 2007, but these days you can be glad if you only have something in sight. And I'm very glad, eventhough I do understand now people getting huge doubts before marriage (I really dont need another broken apprenticeship, I'm fucking 20) and I already feel huge pressure coz they've big expectations from me. But this is my last chance anyway.
After talking to the manager he gave me 50 Euro "for my hard work". I mean, thats pretty nice, especially coz I knew then that he realized I was hard working. (He could have given me more though, this is my 5th week!! ;) )
Some negative things (of course, as always, but I try to ignore them) came along with the job. One is that J. will get fired coz of me and she doesnt know yet. She still has another job but I'm sorry for her, she worked well and I like her.
If everything goes as planned, I'll be supported by another work agency for september '06 til september '07, I'm still getting the same money but the dont pay for costs of transport (which is about 50 to 60 euro / month in my case). More work, less money.
And the worst thing: My current boss B. will maybe quit her job for a better one she always dreamt of. She has an appointment on wednesday. I'm happy for her, she always told me since I know her that she'd love to work there and it would be exactely what she wants. But I dont want her to leave, she's the reason why I got the job and she taught me everything right from the start. Still I'll wish her good luck for wednesday, but I'm also egoistic and hope she'll stay.
[Photo: 10/03/06, on my way back home]
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