Simon the sleepwalker won't get the job. But it doesn't matter anymore, coz I don't get it either. At least not this year. Maybe next year. Or if somebody gets fired maybe. The personalmanager assured me she'd call
me if that should happen. At least I know it's not my fault, I was doing well. It's all about the money.
Why it didn't work out: I'm doing that course I worked my ass off to get in, im payed by the working agency for that. I'd have a job right now if I was in another course, which is also sponsored by the working agency (same money). I can't change courses, coz if I leave, im out, the working agency wont support me in any way (not that they ever did). As the other course is part of the same working agency it means I cant get in there. If I'd stay in my course now (all in one 9 months), I cant switch either, coz they pay only 9 months, and that only once. Silly.
The aim of all that courses is that young people get an apprenticeship. But in my case, this course is the reason why I dont get the job I want. I still have one week left there, I don't wanna know how I'll feel next friday coz I know that I'm still not realizing another broken dream. Probably that'll happen on my last day at work. Reminds me I need to bake some muffins for that.
Quote of the day:
"Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love"
I found it and still it doesn't really matter
[Photo: Ruegen, Germany / 199?]
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I bought a book today, "Tricky Business" by Dave Berry. Its one of the most funniest books I've ever read, he has a amazing style of writing. I can highly recommend all of his books, but "Tricky Business" is on top.
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