Nervous Breakdown!!

Now I have this nice new header and I havent anything, thats not how it should be, right?
I think yesterday was the very first day when I really really started hating my work and wondering why the hell I do this without beeing payed by them. I've been on my own for the last couple hours, althout I started at 10:00h I managed to have a 11 hour shift without any break. Because I didnt have time for taking a break. And because my boss told me 2 people from work said I'd take too many smoke breaks, lets call them Ms. G. and Ms. T.
Ms. T. never takes any breaks, that means she doesnt leave her office, my office is at a different floor so I hardly see her. Ms. G. never leaves the 3rd floor, everytime I go up there for any reason shes NOT in her office, shes at the stairway, smoking. I mean everytime. I take my smokebreaks in another building she never gets in.
So I wonder how the hell they could see me. And even if they'd see me everytime, I take what I'm allowed too. Fuck it. Actually thats not what I wanted to write about. Actually I forgot what it was. Aw yeah... the point is I was alone, I didnt eat anything, no break, working til 22:00h and getting a tendosynovitis again on both hands. I was just wondering why my boss left me alone with all that, maybe she just forgot how much it was?! First time I was pissed of her. Passed very soon though. But I had a couple breakdowns that night cos I couldnt see how to manage everything. Anyway, I survived, I got my hand taped and tomorrow I gotta play at my grandmas birthday. That one will end in a family fight because of my sister. More about that on saturday maybe.
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