Strange enough

It didn't end up in a completely disaster, the birthday was even kinda fun, nobody got hurt (besides me). Well my wrist is completely damaged (as the doctor said) and I gotta wear this weird thing for a couple weeks. Seems pretty long to me. It sucks coz I cant move anything and I dont know how to work with that..
Anyway, our "concert" went well though we practiced the very first time 20 minutes before we played at the bar. the practice took place in the same bar but another room ("that's cool, rehearsal premiere and 20 unknown people around us.." "Yeah I just thought the same... Wow, your guitar is dusty.").
Unfortunately we just had one sheet with the chords and lyrics, my cousin forgot her glasses and I was half blind anyway from doing excel calculations all day long at work, it was hilarious.
Lot of old people of course, one of them talkin to me all night long and calling me Christine and my cousin my mum. Drunk people everywhere, young and old ones.. Well it was alright for a 80th birthday party.
Click for my fave pic of that night
I feel like shit today (eventhough I didnt drink much) and I intend to go to my aunts place this evening with my cousin coz she's leaving tomorrow again and she can only visit us once a year, so I gonna sleep a bit now. Good Night.
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