Friday, May 12, 2006

Feeling Every Bone

Obviously I survived this week and it was hell. My wrists are fucked but I expected that. All the events went well, the VIPs were content and my boss was too. Im death tired coz I started every day at 06:45h and worked til at least 19:00h, mostly without any break.
Anyway, at the end of our shifts all the guys from the eventmanagement section sat down in the kitchen. And we started drinking and smoking in there, it was hillarious as its not allowed at all and u cant lock the the door, so we were always scared somebody who shouldnt see this could enter.
Right now I'm waiting for my pizza calzone (coz I deserve it!!) and I'll do absolutely nothing today but watching tv and lie on my bed. Where the hell is my pizza, it was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago...

So actually just wanted to say I'm back and that you might catch me online somewhere or in real life too (yes, I have one again).

There it is!! (was..)


Blogger silent_genius said...

you have a real life? where'd you find it?

*jealous* (a tiny little bit)

*sngls* ^^

May 12, 2006  
Blogger Lieza said...

At work ;)
Though I think this won't satisfy me forever (and I really dont wanna work at least 10hrs a day all the time)


May 14, 2006  

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