Monday, August 06, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Nobody won, *******!

Anyway, happy easter to all of you.
I had breakfast with my sister, then sitting in the sun with the funny part of my family, then a nice country concert til it got too cold for shirts, what more can I ask for? Aaah, I got socks with orange flavour (not kidding)!!
And for the moment, I'm just happy to be back home, having a coffee and some cigarettes and wearing a warm hoodie. Plans for tonight: watching tv (if there should be anything of interest) and staring at my new guitar (maybe even play one or two chords) >click<
I got a cold since thursday coz around 23:00h I walked through the whole town just to see somebody, walking back again to another village and back again just to find out that bars are not open at 1 o'clock.
Again Joh, happy belated birthday!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Merry belated X-mas, happy belated new year etc

Hi everybody,
I fell from the clouds for a couple minutes cos I just thought today while having a phonetalk I'd really like to update again. It's not that I've much to tell but from the end of october to april is a long time.
Soooo... I dunno really what was the last thing of interest I wrote so I'll just give a quick overview. I'm still at the pharmacy and probably will stay there for the next 2,5 years (besides for some months or weeks I'll work at a retailer for medical products anytime). I don't think it's really a job that fits my wrecked personality but its alright. The money's ok and with most people I get along very well. So, here comes the private-life-part: I'm not with C. anymore, first I broke up, then we got back together 3 weeks later and I think another 3 weeks later she broke up. I guess I don't care, for now I think it was a stupid idea even to try and I dont know anymore why I did what I did to please her or just why I wanted to be with her. Anyway.
I usually have a hard time to even find somebody I might be interested in, these days I feel like having a crush constantly with different people all of a sudden.
I'm not in the band anymore, they got an album coming out next week. It's pretty good in my view (eventhough I'm not on it). But me and U. the singer are starting an acoustic thing with a friend of him on base. Or maybe I'll change the acoustic thing as I'm getting my Telecaster tomorrow.
If you're bored and drunk propose me a bandname.
I'll try to update this more than every 6 months, good nite,
[Photo: My everdays lunch in my fave bar / my shelter from work]
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I'm A Dirtbag.
I know that, believe me. I won't try to excuse, just to explain. Since my paremts reinstalled the living room I don't have a connection at home. And it seems like I'm slowly getting a social life.
So, what have I done the last 2 months? I changed my job. I work at a pharmacy now & my wage is twice as high as before. It's alright, my co-workers are nice but I still gotta get used to regular shifts somehow. What else? I play in a band again, its kinda funk I used to like it a lot til 2 weeks ago we got two new members I feel like playing against me (So that might fall apart..).
I got a girlfriend again for 8 weeks now but look at the brackets above.
Is it stupid I'm writing that on her computer while she's out getting cigarettes?
Anyway, I dont know what else to write, I wanna take a shower and go home. The house needs a clean-up (parents are gone again but dont tell her that) and J. from my old work will drob by for a coffee at 16:00h.
... hell, did I change the clock..?!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Hi from work
This is saturday, 08:00h, me at work after a great but stressy week and its just not over yet, it will take til sunday morning. This will kill me seriously.
I'm too tired to write anything smart or clever right now, I just realised the milk in my coffee is not that liquid anymore.. Ahm anyway I think I'm gonna do something handwritten again coz I really cant think straight at the moment. So if I find a scanner somewhere you'll have your update today or tomorrow.
I'm off to kill my co-worker who seems to be in bed still. Or at a bar probably.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
On The Air

I think it's time for an update, eventough there are plenty things I dont really wanna write about from "let's paint some walls" to now.
Actually right now my life feels like a daily soap, like a mix of emergency room, CSI and the Simpsons, with a dash of the L-Word, Spongebob and Oliver's twist (you know, the cook..) combined with Home Alone and the Muppets.
If that was broadcasted it would be produced by endemol and television ratings would hit the bottom.
Anything not clear?
I don't sleep much these days, the main reason can be seen in the picture. They're not mine, they're my sister's pigs because she's on vacation and let them at my place (without really asking of course). They're somewhat gay and annoying. Actually I should get along with them. Well, I just don't.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sundowns & Grasshoppers

I dont wanna write about my work situation coz I know shit about that. But today was pretty nice. After school, J. picked me up, actually for a BBQ but as nobody of us was hungry we bought a huge watermelon (my stomach still hurts). Drove up to her place & then looking through single-meeting adds (did I mention she posted one for me..?). So there's (of course) a guy who seems to be really cute. We sent him a message coz his add was sth like "looking for a girl bla bla" but no hint wether he was male or female. He's 31, so I'd say thats too old for me. Anyway we exchanged some pix and he asked me if he could convince me to go for guys again, right after trying to couple me with a girl he knew (too old again). I said there's no chance but I'll have dinner with him soon lol (I'm not kidding for once). J. tries very hard to find someone for me, I'll be crushed when she leaves for spain soon coz lately she's been the only person in my reach I could rely on.
Anyway, I dont remember what we did the whole day, its 22:15 now and she picked me up at 14:00h. I really cant recall anything but eating, talking, tv and catching grasshopper for those weird nameless animals. Oh hell and she likes Tegan & Sara :)
Reminds me on that: for mel to get jealous ;)
I think I'll move to the countryside, they have such nice sundowns... But whatever, I'm hungry again and Crossing Jordan is on,
see you around,
Monday, July 10, 2006
Random Stuff

So, I've been at A's place yesterday (and of course B. was there too coz I think she probably moved in and hasn't seen her own flat for months). I dunno why I went there, it's not that close and I dont like driving there with scooter anyway, but it seems like that's the only chance to see her. She still has her car. She's just too lazy for anything. Last year she went out every day, now she just spends time with B. on the couch. Thats alright if you're in love I guess, but like only the first 2 months maybe. I'm not sure for how long they're together now but it must be more than 6 months. Thats not normal in my view. Maybe I should be happy for them (or at least for A.) but I'm not. She looks bad, she has white skin. Really white, whiter than mine and I'm still pretty white. She has rings under her eyes, her hair is not colored anymore, when I got there she opened the door just wearing a shirt and boxers (it was 15:00h), so did B. and they basically looked like out of bed. I stayed til 23:00h, we played scrabble and watched the WC final. It was nice, we laughed a lot but in the end I still got back home with that certain feeling of distance. I hate not knowing whats going on in her life. I hate not really being part of her life anymore and I miss the times when it was different.
So I'm concentrating on other people. Like today. Today turned out pretty nice when I got a message by J. saying "I'm so bored, rescue me".
After driving along the countryside again, we ended up catching grasshoppers for her funny animals and I dont have a clue how they're spelled (see picture).
Animal day. I dislike cats, but the one at J's place I love (I forget her name again though).
I dont dislike cats just for fun, I dislike them coz they mostly dont like me. But not this one. Must have been my sweaty smell.
Aw yeah, I'm still at the same work cause I didnt get a strip-down for once, doesnt mean its all good though.
Humm I dunno what to write, I apologize for my absence on several chats / messengers, I just dont like the way the computer is posed. You know, with my back to the door and everyone coming in can see whats on screen, I hate that.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006

So, Holland failed. It's a mess, they deserved to win, really. All the teams I liked are already out. I even liked Portugal, but not anymore after that game. I'll put my orange shirt back in the closet.
One of my fave pix relating to the World Cup (showing some english hooligans)
What else? I'm having a day off today and dont know what to do. Therefor I finished the drawing yesterday night (1, 2).