On The Air

I think it's time for an update, eventough there are plenty things I dont really wanna write about from "let's paint some walls" to now.
Actually right now my life feels like a daily soap, like a mix of emergency room, CSI and the Simpsons, with a dash of the L-Word, Spongebob and Oliver's twist (you know, the cook..) combined with Home Alone and the Muppets.
If that was broadcasted it would be produced by endemol and television ratings would hit the bottom.
Anything not clear?
I don't sleep much these days, the main reason can be seen in the picture. They're not mine, they're my sister's pigs because she's on vacation and let them at my place (without really asking of course). They're somewhat gay and annoying. Actually I should get along with them. Well, I just don't.