Saturday, April 29, 2006

Winter In Lomo

I like my Lomo

Strange enough

It didn't end up in a completely disaster, the birthday was even kinda fun, nobody got hurt (besides me). Well my wrist is completely damaged (as the doctor said) and I gotta wear this weird thing for a couple weeks. Seems pretty long to me. It sucks coz I cant move anything and I dont know how to work with that..

Anyway, our "concert" went well though we practiced the very first time 20 minutes before we played at the bar. the practice took place in the same bar but another room ("that's cool, rehearsal premiere and 20 unknown people around us.." "Yeah I just thought the same... Wow, your guitar is dusty.").

Unfortunately we just had one sheet with the chords and lyrics, my cousin forgot her glasses and I was half blind anyway from doing excel calculations all day long at work, it was hilarious.

Lot of old people of course, one of them talkin to me all night long and calling me Christine and my cousin my mum. Drunk people everywhere, young and old ones.. Well it was alright for a 80th birthday party.

Click for my fave pic of that night

I feel like shit today (eventhough I didnt drink much) and I intend to go to my aunts place this evening with my cousin coz she's leaving tomorrow again and she can only visit us once a year, so I gonna sleep a bit now. Good Night.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Nervous Breakdown!!

Now I have this nice new header and I havent anything, thats not how it should be, right?

I think yesterday was the very first day when I really really started hating my work and wondering why the hell I do this without beeing payed by them. I've been on my own for the last couple hours, althout I started at 10:00h I managed to have a 11 hour shift without any break. Because I didnt have time for taking a break. And because my boss told me 2 people from work said I'd take too many smoke breaks, lets call them Ms. G. and Ms. T.
Ms. T. never takes any breaks, that means she doesnt leave her office, my office is at a different floor so I hardly see her. Ms. G. never leaves the 3rd floor, everytime I go up there for any reason shes NOT in her office, shes at the stairway, smoking. I mean everytime. I take my smokebreaks in another building she never gets in.
So I wonder how the hell they could see me. And even if they'd see me everytime, I take what I'm allowed too. Fuck it. Actually thats not what I wanted to write about. Actually I forgot what it was. Aw yeah... the point is I was alone, I didnt eat anything, no break, working til 22:00h and getting a tendosynovitis again on both hands. I was just wondering why my boss left me alone with all that, maybe she just forgot how much it was?! First time I was pissed of her. Passed very soon though. But I had a couple breakdowns that night cos I couldnt see how to manage everything. Anyway, I survived, I got my hand taped and tomorrow I gotta play at my grandmas birthday. That one will end in a family fight because of my sister. More about that on saturday maybe.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

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Thanks to the wonderful Mel
(Please forget my password)

This one's for you mel

Saturday, April 22, 2006

For once

I had an unexpected nice day yesterday. First there was my cousin's birthdayparty. She moved a few weeks ago coz of her divorce and I hadnt seen her new flat until that day. Pretty one I gotta say, very cozy and warm. And again, like in her old house, she installed a music room with guitars, keyboards and piano. I was basically the first one to arrive, after a while some friends of her came and I had a funny jam session with Biene on piano, me on guitar, her husband beatboxing and Kicki (5) and Bombo (2), the two kids from greece dancing around. Having discussions about Bombo beeing gay coz he always kisses guys and causing his mother "a sleepless night" as she said. It was nice seeing all of them again. Of course some negative stuff came up too, my grandparents complained subconsiously I dont show up that often anymore. What should I say, "excuse me, I'm having a job that takes a lot of time and lately I'm glad if I just survive going to the grocery without getting serious panic attacks. And ow, when was the last time you came over?". Common. My grandma burnt the table yesterday by the way, was fun.
I left at 20:30h to go for a drink with A. and B., which was fun too, especially at the end when I tried to hit on A. to make B. jealous. Think I didnt succeed though. It was short (I was back at 22:30h) but I had a good time and it has really been awhile.
I dont know what about today, I guess not much..

[Photo: Marina di Castagneto / Donoratico , Italy // April 2006]


I felt like screwing my guitar a few days ago, I came up with a salamander coz I've been somewhat uninspired..
The salamander itself was done with stencils made of tape and colored with spraycan, the slimey stuff around is is done with brush and scratched with uhm... toothpicks actually.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Simple, but I love them. And I love my mobile. And the fact I saw the sun that day. Dammit, my skin's still white like aspirin!!
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Image hosting by Photobucket This is my favourite

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All taken 18/04/06, around 13:30h

.: Next time :.
Salamander white on black

The Student

Here we go, watch my poor sketches (I wish I could say its just a bad photo)

More pictures here and here

16 - 17/04/06

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm still around

I just had no notebook for the last couple days and I avoid using the other computer for some reason. Unfortunately I dont really have much time at the moment, I might post something longer here later (if I should find something interesting to share).
I've been kinda creative (more or less) and I got some pictures which are low quality, so I have to edit some of them a bit (unless you prefer watching black boxes with some dirt in it).
There's one sketch I did, as I didnt have the laptop I couldnt use the scanner so I had to photograph it with my mobile. So, all I can show at the moment is a part of the process, which is the inked version in bad quality.

If I'd give my sketches names this one would be "The Poor Student" or something alike...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


..the day came on which I disliked work for the very first time. I say "dislike", not "hate". Just because I kinda played facility manager for everyone, I had to buy bulps and batteries and get food for the others. I dont mind doing that. but I really had better stuff to do like that. So I had another 12 hour shift and actually didnt do much of work. Tomorrow I'm on late shift, I dont mind working long, but I hate starting with work later for some reason.

I still dont know what song I could play at my grandma's birthday (or if I even will play something). In april there are always so much birthdays. At least 2 birthdays every week, and I never know what to give. Especially for the next week. What can you get for someone you know for maybe 2 months and you dont even know in what relation you are to her or him? I guess I'll try to buy something together with my co-workers or something..

Monday, April 03, 2006

Lack Of Inspiration

Common guys, no serious suggestion for a song? Tss! Well maybe any suggestions with invitation cards? I'm stuck here getting bored.

I'm done with the cards, I dont care if it fits or not, just glad it's over lol

[Click To Enlarge]

Sunday, April 02, 2006


I'm waiting again for that day to pass or my parents to leave the house to get my freedom... anyway, soon its my grandma's 80th birthday and I need a song I could play there. Any suggestions? Please.

Thank you

Yes, I'm done already. Don't have much to say. Besides the weather drives me nuts.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A game... pass time, coz as you might know I hate weekend.

[Stolen from murmel, who stole it from Joh]

Rules: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.Use the song titles that come
up to answer each question. NO CHEATING.

Note: As I'm hardly listening to music on my pc I'll just put my MP3 player on shuffle.

How does the world see me?
River to the moon - Woodface

Will I have a happy life?
Good Morning Hope - Woodface

What do people really think of me?
For What It's Worth - The Cardigans

Do people secretly lust after me?
Tell Her This - Del Amitri

How can I make myself happy?
Stop Thinking - Anouk

What should I do with my life?
Onder Aan De Dijk - Thè Lau

Will I ever have children?
Paradise In Me - K's Choice

What is some good advice for me?
Enjoy The Silence - Tori Amos

What do I think my current theme song is?
One Month - Tegan & Sara

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Are You Ready To Sing - Woodface

What song will play at my funeral?
I'm Sorry - Monta

What type of men/women do you like?
These Are Your Friends - Adem

What is my day going to be like?
Too Long - Anouk

Why am I here?
Good Life - Francis Dunnery

What will people remember me for?
Tired - K's Choice

What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Shadowman - K's Choice

Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
What You Want - John Butler Trio

What will this year be all about?
Almost Happy - K's Choice

So, shortcut:
People dont know if efforts for me are worth it, I should stop thinking to get happier (I guess thats true), I should move to a dijk in the Netherlands, I'll have children and feel fine, I should enjoy silence, there will be some people being sorry when I die, my day is going to be too long, but I am here to have a good life, people remember me being tired of everything and this year I'll be almost happy.

I guess there actually is some truth in here, for some things I hope so.

[Picture: Graffiti, taken on 27/03/06]