In reference to my last post

Exactely that "I don't give a fuck anymore"-thing happened today as I didnt go to the course. My dad called me labile piece of shit yesterday night (that sounds more worse in english actually), and he knows he can call me "bitch" or whatever, but the most hurting is something about my mental condition. All that because I said I might take the day off tomorrow (what he didn't know is that I wanted to do that in order to find a new practical course). He said why I'd be that stupid etc., I said "those are mine fucking vacation-permissions and I can use them whenever I want". Obviously that was too much for him, so he said what he said. I said "I might", thats not "I will". Even after all that crap I was sure I'd visit the course again. Now the problem was I forgot that my parents dont have to work today and tomorrow (not like me). Usually my mom wakes me up coz she has to get up anyway and an alarm clock can't really wake me up most of the time. I woke up at 10:15h or something coz my phone was ringing. But you know, when I sleep, I sleep, and a bomb could crash in right next to me. I'd realize it for sure, I just wouldnt give fuck. Same with phone. I already knew it was my socialworker anyway. I just saw she wrote me an email saying I'm getting kicked. And I hate saying it but I faked my medical certifcate again. I had one from the 21st I never handed in, so I turned it to the 27th (because it was in another city so that would explain why I couldnt call). Isnt that exactely what I wrote before? It's scary. Im glad tomorrow is tuesday, though it means friday is coming close.
[Sketch: drawn on a bill of "Trcky Business", 27/02/06, Coffeemaker, ca. 12:30h. I should stop with that, some people might feel offended when they're drawn by strangers... ]